Myrtle Beach, Charleston, SC Babymoon

Remember that part in Tangled when Rapunzel leaves the tower for the first time and says over and over in alllll sorts of different emotions, “I can’t believe I did this! I can’t believe I did this!” Well, that’s exactly how Kaelyn and I felt this weekend when we left our toddler with her grandparents and flew off to Myrtle Beach & Charleston for a little getaway.

(Yes, I know, it’s very obvious that I’m a #girldad since I’m related my life to a Disney princess movie , come quick baby boy!)

We tried to unplug as much as we could, so I only took my professional camera out for one day to take these few shots! Plus, we only spent one day in Charleston heading to all the spots I’ve been trying to check out, so we had a lot of ground to cover! Some people love to do all the things on vacation, but that’s not us at all! We spent 3 out of the four days relaxing on the beach, reading books, going for short walks, and… trying all sorts of fun restaurants!

Every morning, we woke up to this view from our hotel balcony right on the beach, which was not a bad deal! The sound of the waves was sweet therapy for the soul! Anytime we were in our room, we left the sliding door cracked to listen to the waves!

Getting to explore Charleston’s cobblestone streets lined with historical pastel-hued buildings was a dream come true for this pastel-loving photographer! I’ve been drooling over these places on Instagram for years, so seeing them in person was the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. Naturally, I jumped at the uninterrupted time to take some photos of and with my favorite model, my lovely bride. She was so kind to put up with my extra nerdyness! We literally were those people who set up a tripod in the middle of a sidewalk to take a photo of ourselves on self timer. Sorry, babe!. I mean, I think it was worth it? Don’t you? The proof is in the pudding. Here’s the tripod photo below.